Πέμπτη 29 Μαΐου 2008

youtube worship videos

what my soul and everyone's needs. songs and videos to praise our lord

youtube channels with worship videos. the list will be occasionally updated

my channel: www.youtube.com/jesusislifegr

Πέμπτη 24 Απριλίου 2008


everything you need ask it! the prayer has amazing strength . it is the way you can speak to God. a way tha always works even though some times it seems like nobody listens. so pray for everything, always! are you sick? pray. and happy? pray and thank the Lord. do you have problems? pray and God will tell you how to solve them out. anything...

Matthew 5:44 NIV
But I tell you: Love your enemies [ Some late manuscripts enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you] and pray for those who persecute you,

Matthew 6:6 NIV
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Mark 14:38 NIV
Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

1 Corinthians 14:15 NIV
So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind.

Τρίτη 22 Απριλίου 2008

never stop saying THANKS

we should never stop thanking our God for everything. Nothing we have is ours but Lord has given it to us. Did anyone ever asked us if we want to live or not and we answered yes? God gave us life. Who helped us have the job we do? our family? be healthy? have the water to drink and the food to eat? there are times that we loose what we have to understand the value of it, so we should always remeber who gaves us what we have and why and that other people don't have them. EVERYTHING belongs to God and the most precious gift is giving us life and He is the one who will take it and the One who will give us the eternal life even if we don't deserve it. So, give thanks to the Lord!

useful info

1 best sites i have recently found : http://nothingbutworship.blogpot.com/index2.htm

2. http://www.ibs.org/ :The mission of IBS-STL Global is to advance the Kingdom of God through translating, producing, and distributing Bibles, Scripture materials, and other Christian resources so people around the world may become disciples of Jesus Christ.

the home page is in greek the only problem for the english speaking people :(

Δευτέρα 21 Απριλίου 2008

666 has come

if you read the Holy Bible you can see that the sign-number of the antichirst will be in everyone. This seems to be in the near future as barcode that has the 666 has already been put in every product and in america a chip has been prodused that will be put in humans named VeriChip.

anyone intersted can learn many thing throughout the web and if he believes he will see that they are all truth

worship online

the best site to find worship songs in my opinion is this http://songsofpraise.org
if you want to look for spesific artists my favorite is Steven Curtis chapman and some other are:
1.newsboys 2.Jeremy Camp 3.brian littrell 4.aaron shust 5.matthew west 6.building 429 7.kutless 8.Glory revealed 9.matt redman 10.Hillsong United 11. Casting Crowns 12. MercyMe 13. Hillsong 14. Relient K 15. Chris Tomlin 16. Third Day 17. Switchfoot 18. Michael W. Smith 19. Thousand Foot Krutch

and some artists' site :
According to John www.accordingtojohn.com
Age of Faith www.ageoffaith.com
All Star United www.allstarunited.com
Altizer Rick www.rickaltizer.com
Ashton Susan www.susan-ashton.com
Audio Adrenaline www.audioa.com
Aurora www.aurorasisters.com
Avalon www.avalonlive.com
A Ragamuffin Band www.aragamuffinband
Becker Margaret www.maggieb.com
Benward Aaron www.aaronbenward.com
Big Daddy Weave www.bigdaddyweave.com
Big Tent Revival www.bigtentrevival.com
Boltz Ray www.rayboltz.com
Brien O' Michael www.michaelo.org
Brother's Keeper www.brotherskeeper.org
Caedmon's Call www.caedmonscall.com
Caesar Shirley www.shirleycaesar.com
Card Michael www.michaelcard.com
Carlisle Bob www.bobcarlisle.com
Carman www.carman.org
Carroll Rex www.rexcarroll.com
Chapman Gary www.garychapman.net
Chapman Steven Curtis www.scchapman.com
Christafari www.christafari.com
Church of Rhythm www.cor-site.com
Continetals The www.continentals.nl
Crosse Clay www.claycrosse.com
Crowder David Band www.davidcrowderband.com
Darins The www.thedarins.com
Dc Talk www.dctalk.com
Delirious? www.delirious.net
Denson Al www.aldenson.com
DeShazo Lynn www.lynndeshazo.com
Deyo Jeff www.jeffdeyo.com
Driscoll Phil www.phildriscoll.com
Duncan Bryan www.bryand.com
Elefante John www.johnelefante.com
4 Him www.4him.net
Faithful Men Gospel Quart. www.thefaithfulmen.com
FFH www.ffh.net
Fischer John www.fischtank.com
Fono www.fono.net
Forty Days www.fortydays.com
Francisco Don www.donfrancisco.com
Franklin Kirk www.nunation.com
Gaither Bill & Gloria www.gaithermusic.com
Gibson Jon www.jongibson.com
Girls of Grace www.girlsofgrace.com
Glad www.glad-pro.com
Gold City www.goldcityqt.com
Grant Amy www.amygrant.com
Grant Natalie www.nataliegrant.com
Green Al www.algreen.com
Green Keith www.keithgreen.com
Green Steve www.stevegreenministries.org
Grits www.grits7.com
Guardian www.guard-dog.com
Hill Kim www.kimhillmusic.com
Hillsongs Music Australia www.hillsclc.org.au
Imperials The www.theimperials.org
Insyderz The www.theinsyderz.com
Iona www.iona.uk.com
Jake www.jakemusic.com
Jakes T.D. www.tdjakes.com
James St. Rebecca www.rsjames.com
Jars of Clay www.jarsofclay.com
Joel Phil www.inpop.com
Jump5 www.Jump5.com
Katinas The www.thekatinas.com
Keaggy Cheri www.cherikeaggy.com
Keaggy Phil www.philkeaggy.com
Kee P. John www.johnpkee.com
Kendrick Graham www.grahamkendrick.co.uk
Kenoly Ron www.ronkenolyministries.org
Khanyisa www.khanyisa.com
Kingsmen The www.thekingsmen.com
Kirkpatrick Wayne www.waynekirkpatrick.com
KJ-52 www.kj-52.com
Knapp Jennifer www.jenniferknapp.com LaRue www.laruemusic.com
Lewis Crystal www.crystallewis.com
Lloyd www.lloydplace.com
Long Janna www.jannalong.com
Long Greg www.greglong.com
Lowry Mark www.marklowry.com
Luna Halo www.lunahalo.com
McRoberts Justin www.justinmcroberts.com
Martins The www.the-martins.com
Meece David www.davidmeece.com
Melody Masters Quartet www.themelodymasters.com
Moore Geoff www.geoffmoore.com
Morgan Reuben www.reubenmorgan.com
Mullen C. Nicole www.nicolecmullen.com
MxPx www.mxpx.com
Nelons The www.nelons.com
Newsboys www.newsboys.com
NewSong www.newsongonline.com
Nordeman Nichole www.nicholenordeman.com
Normals The www.thenormals.com
Norman Bebo www.bebonorman.com
Norman Larry www.larrynorman.com
Ortega Fernando www.fernandoortega.com
Out of Eden www.outofedenonline.com
Paris Twila www.twilaparis.com
Passion www.268generation.com
Patty Sandi www.sandispage.com
Peacock Charlie www.charliepeacock.com
Peterson Andrew www.andre-wpeterson.com
Petra www.petrarocksmyworld.com
PFR www.pfr.org
Phatfish www.phatfish.net
Phillips, Craig & Dean www.pcdministries.com
Plumb www.plumbinfo.com
Point of Grace www.pointofgrace.net
Public Q. Johnny www.johnnyqpublic
Ragamuffin Band www.aragamuffinband.com
Relient K www.relientk.com
Rice Chris www.chrisrice.com
Richard Cliff www.cliffrichard.org
Salvador www.salvadorlive.com
Sapp Marvin www.marvinsap.com
Say-So www.sayso.com
Schultz Mark www.markschultzmusic.comSecondimension www.secondimension.com
ShineMK www.shinemk.com
Sierra www.siera.com
Sixpence None the Richer www.sixpencenonethericher.com
Skypark www.skyparkmusic.com
Slaughter Alvin www.alvinslaughter.com
Smallwood Richard www.richardsmallwood.com
Smith W. Michael www.michaelwsmith.com
Snell Andian www.adrian-snell.com
Sonicflood www.sonicflood.com
Starling Kristy www.kristystarling.com
Stewart Pete www.petestewart.com
Supertones The www.supertones.com
Switchfoot www.switchfoot.com
Taff Russ www.russtaff.com
Talbot John Michael www.john-michael-talbot.org
The 77s www.77s.com
The Tri-City Singers www.tri-city4.com
The Wordd www.thewordd.com
Third Day www.thirdday.com
Three Crosses www.threecrosses.com
Thum Pam www.pamthum.com
Tomlin Chris www.christomlin.com
Troccoli Kathy www.troccoli.com
Truth www.truthmusic.org
Tumes Michelle www.mtumes.com
V*Enna www.v-enna.com
Varnadeau Jeni www.jenivarnadeau.com
Velasquez Jaci www.jacivelasquez.net
Vigilantes of Love www.coaster.com
Waiting The www.thewaiting.com
Waterdeep www.waterdeep.com
Watermark www.watermark-online.com
Watson Wayne www.waynewatsondirect.com
Wilshire www.wilshiremusic.com
Winans CeCe www.cecewinans.com
Winans Vickie www.vickiewinans.com
Wordd The www.thewordd.com
World Wide Message Tribe www.message.org.uk
Zoegirl www.zoegirlonline.com


our God is the only one who can take from us what we can't loose. smoking and drugs are the most common examples. people get addicted and like being in prison they can't do anything to get out of it. meeting Jesus is the only solution to problems like these. He can set us free. He can cure our body as much as our soul. we only have to ask it and will never deny!


Κυριακή 6 Απριλίου 2008

Jesus Is Life


Jesus is really life and nothing else. He is the creator of all , life the same. It is not strange wanting to praise Him and worship him. It is a need it makes you feel well! So let us pray and say to everyone tha Jesus is life and he is THE ONE that can take from the death to live, He can rebirth us , we don't have to do anything at than just believe to his holly name and his word. the glory worship adoration belong to our Lord. God fill everyone with your HOLLY SPIRIT and prepare us for your coming amhn

הַלְלוּיָה Halləluya Halləlûyāh Alleluia hallelujah!!!